okej idag kliar det något enormt i kroppen. jag måste längre bort än såhär. vill antingen flytta till danmark med jeppe till världens finaste vindsvåning å bara ha det precis så som jag har det i huvudet. eller så vill jag flytta till västindien eller thailand å bo på stranden på en liten ö å ha sånt så jag klarar mig, inget mer. vill åka runt, se platser, träffa människor. tanken att den här säsongen snart ska ta slut dödar mig, vad gör jag sen? vill helst av allt göra allting samtidigt också å gärna nu.
A 50- something year old white woman arrived at her seat on a crowded flight and immediately didn't want the seat. The seat was next to a black man. Disgusted, the woman immediately summoned the flight attendant and demanded a new seat. The woman said "I cannot sit here next to this black man." The fight attendant said "Let me see if I can find another seat." After checking, the flight attendant r...eturned and stated "Ma'am, there are no more seats in economy, but I will check with the captain and see if there is something in first class." About 10 minutes went by and the flight attendant returned and stated "The captain has confirmed that there are no more seats in economy, but there is one in first class. It is our company policy to never move a person from economy to first class, but being that it would be some sort of scandal to force a person to sit next to an UNPLEASANT person, the captain agreed to make the switch to first class." Before the woman could say anything, the attendant gestured to the black man and said, "Therefore sir, if you would so kindly retrieve your personal items, we would like to move you to the comfort of first class as the captain doesn't want you to sit next to an unpleasant person." Passengers in the seats nearby began to applause while some gave a standing ovation.
jag saknar
- min LPspelare
- mamma
- mitt chokladté som tagit slut
- alla mina vänner
- gå själv på stan
- sommar
- enskär
- åka tåg till sthlm
- jesper
- claras hurmanskost
- familjen garcia
- pappa
- västindien å thailand
- bergelins
- aaron
- mamma
- mitt chokladté som tagit slut
- alla mina vänner
- gå själv på stan
- sommar
- enskär
- åka tåg till sthlm
- jesper
- claras hurmanskost
- familjen garcia
- pappa
- västindien å thailand
- bergelins
- aaron
Alla <3 dag
Jag har världens bästa snubbe!
Jobbigt när det händer..
En kväll i holken
Trerätters på luderloftet
Calle å Co bjöd på trerätters häromdan. Såklart är efterrätten den bästa rätten!